Welcome to Our Travelling Family

They say travelling with babies can be difficult but in my personal experience it’s far more difficult travelling with teenagers. I’m wondering if you hear so little about it because most parents just throw in the towel and uncork (who am I kidding?), unscrew the nearest bottle of wine

Why We Travel

Recently I was asked to detail why we travel in no more than 500 words. While I didn’t manage to keep to the word count, here is my response. Our story is not one of high end luxury getaways, nor is it a cutting edge tale about trekking through jungles, summiting volcanoes or circumnavigating the…

Emerging from lockdown in Évora, Portugal

We were welcomed with smiling eyes and hospitality second to none. In the coming days, weeks and months we hope to continue supporting tourism, sharing our experiences and when it it is safe to do so, encouraging people to visit this extraordinary country.

Coronavirus-The Mood in Portugal

Our family has been travelling throughout Europe for the last year and we currently find ourselves on a farm in Evora, Portugal amidst the Coronavirus outbreak. At present the number of confirmed cases in the country are still relatively low and to date there have been thirty fatalities. On Thursday the 12thMarch the President addressed…

Central Portugal- Europe’s Best Kept Secret

As a holiday destination it has something for everyone- culture, history, natural beauty, sunshine (plenty of it!) and the locals are some of the kindest, most generous people I have ever had the pleasure to encounter.

Workaway- Why We Love It!

In December last year, whilst volunteering at our 15th project in Bremen, Germany we received a call from Alicia at Workaway wanting to know if we would consider becoming ambassadors. It wasn’t the first time we had been approached by a company to help endorse a product but it was the first time we knew…

Base Camp and Beyond

I can’t believe it’s been 5 months since I last updated the blog! It’s been an absolute whirlwind- 9 more volunteer projects completed, 3 more countries, countless experiences and so many new friends. We are currently based at our 17th project in Evora, Portugal where we have been tasked with looking after a farm, a…

Our Decision To Volunteer Our Way Around Europe

To all those new to our blog, welcome! Below is an article I wrote for Positive News about our family’s decision to volunteer our way around Europe. Over the last 6 months we have received so many lovely messages wishing us well and a number of people asking us how we have managed to pull…

Stop 8- Camping in Chalandray

In the words of our current host, Henry, ‘BOOM!’ What was meant to be a 2 week stint at Camping St.Hilaire turned into us staying for the duration of the summer and it is with great regret that we had to pack up and head off early on Friday morning. We first came across this…

The Golden Caravan

Hey guys, Once again I take the opportunity to add to the blog so bear with me as I relay one of our most awesome adventures thus far but first a little basic information to head us on the right path. Permaculture by definition is a reproduction of nature’s basic resilience in naturally occurring ecosystems….